Monday 1 October 2018

F8 Fractions: Words Problem (General)

Generally, words problem sums are associated with various objects(usually 2) and the corresponding fractions. There are many variations to such questions.
The learners needs to spot the word patterns and understand what the question is asking for.

Model Method(ANS)
(1) Read the sentence carefully and spot the word patterns.
(2) Note (a) the Object/Who and (b) the number/fractions in the sentence.
(3) Determine relationships between Who/Object and numbers in model form and then    
     answer the question.
Step 1:  Who/Object? Underline/Circle and write.
Step 2:  Object/actors’ numbers(N)? Draw Model and link
Step 3: Solve

Ali spent 3/5 of his money and Mary spent 6/7 of her money. In the end, Ali had ½   as much money left as Mary. Ali has $50 at first. How much money does Mary have in the end?
Read the sentence and identify the word pattern/ key information.  The keywords are
    (1) ‘in the end’ -> the portion of the money not spent,
(2)   Ali has ½ of Mary’s

Step 1:  Who/ObjectUnderline/Circle and write. (Ali, Mary)
Step 2:  Object/actors’ numbers(N)? Draw Model and link.
            Ali -> 1 – 3/5 = 2/5,
          Mary -> 1 – 6/7 = 1/7
Step 3: Solve

Ali’s money is equal to half of Mary’s

            Ali has $50.
            5U = 50
              U = 50/10 = 5
            Ali left 2U -> 2x5 = $10

           Mary has 2x10 = $20 in the end
             ~~~~ END ~~~~ :)