Monday 1 October 2018

F6 'Remaining' - Fraction of a Fraction/Value (Using Model and branching)

REMAINING’ – Fraction of a fraction/Value
Words problem involving fractions can be wordy and confusing for learners. 
Solve the question by 'spotting' keywords / patterns and using step-by-step method to answer the question.

Solving ‘Remaining’ – Fraction of a fraction
    (a)  Sentence Construction
      Words Problem with ‘remaining’ or ‘remainder’ are usually constructed as 

 (b) Relationship between the numbers  in the sentence.
          There is usually the First Fraction/Number object (who/what) and Second fraction/number object (who/what) in the remaining fractions. 
     In a basket, 2/5 of the fruits are apples. 2/3 of the remaining fruits are bananas.
    The first fraction(number)’s object(what) is apple, and the remaining two others are bananas and other fruits.

((c)  Solve the Word Problems 
Model Method: 
Step 1:  Keywords/Draw Model with First Fraction/Value
            - Use the DENOMINATOR of the First Fraction/Value to draw model
            -  Shade the MAIN object’s unit (the numerator)

Step 2:  Complete Model with Second Fractions       
            - label ‘remaining’ or ‘remainder’ for unshaded part
            - Divide/’Split’ the Unshaded part as a ‘Whole’ (2nd fraction denominator), 
            - shade the second fraction ‘Part’ (using numerator) and the rest. 

Step 3: Solve Problem with the model (1 part = 1 U)
<< Read the sentence carefully and spot the word patterns>>
In a basket, 2/5 of the fruits are apples2/3 of the remaining fruits are bananas. There are 20 fruits. How many bananas is in the basket? 
Step 1:  Keywords/Draw Model with First Fraction/Value
    {Underline/Circle keywords/Draw model with first fraction}
[First = Apple, 2/5, Second = bananas 2/3 remaining]
          - Draw Model of First Fraction DENOMINATOR (total 5 of Apple)
          -  Shade the firs fraction(the numerator)
Step 2:  Complete Model with second fractions
              - Label ‘remaining’ or ‘remainder’ for unshaded part


            - ‘Split’/divide unshaded parts to 3 parts (2nd fraction denominator)
            - Shade 2/3 of the remaining fruits are bananas.
Step 3: Solve Problem with Model (1 equal part = 1 U)
          (To make U of standard/same portion: U is already ‘same size’)
           There are 20 fruits. 
          Total = 5u
              5u = 20. 
                U = 20/5 = 4. 
        There are 4x2 = 8 bananas.

Example 2
John gave 3/8 of his money to his parents. He gave 1/10 of the remainder to his sister. What fraction of his money did he give his sister?
Step 1:  Keywords/Draw Model with First Fraction/Value
{Circle Number, underline keywords}
[Write key values: Parents = 3/8, Sis = 1/10 R]
  - Draw Model total (whole) of  8 parts
  - Shade 3 parts (the first fraction’s numerator)
Step 2:  Complete Model with second fraction
  - label ‘remainder’
  - Split/Divide the unshaded parts to 10 parts (denominator of second fraction)
  - Shade 1 part for the sister (numerator 1/10)
Step 3: Solve Problem with Model (1 equal part = 1 U)
  - Model to equal parts : Split each of the 3/8 to 2 parts
    Total (Whole) = 20, Sister (part) = 1
  He gave 1/20 of his money to his sister.

Example 3
A shop had a number of mobile phones for sales. After selling 32 of them in the morning and 5/8 of the remainder in the afternoon, it was left with ¼ of the mobile phones. How many mobile phones were sold altogether?

<< Read the sentence carefully and spot the word patterns>>

Step 1: Underline keywords and  MAIN and Remaining Fraction. Who/What?

There is no fraction but 32 mobile phone
Step 2a:  Draw Model : Shade/Label the MAIN who’s unit
                 Label ‘remaining’ or ‘remainder’ for unshaded part
Step 2b:Unshaded part’ as a whole (2nd who denominator), divide into 2nd who portion (using denominator) and the rest.
Step 3: Solve (with uniform U)
 (To make U of standard/same portion: U is already ‘same size’)
    ¼  portion -> 3U
              Total portion = 12u
32 + 5u = ¾ x 12u
4u = 32
u = 8
Total mobile phone sold = 32 + 8 x 8 = 96 mobile phones.
Branching Method
The branching method is useful for remainder-type of questions.
In a basket, 2/5 of the fruits are apples. 2/3 of the remaining fruits are bananas. There are 20 fruits. How many bananas? 

Same Example

In a basket, 2/5 of the fruits are apples. 2/3 of the remaining fruits are bananas. There are 20 fruits. How many bananas? 

Step1: Draw the first branch with given fraction.
Step3: Continue Step1 write and Step2: draw for all the rest of the conditions.
Link and Solve
            There are 20 fruits
            There are 20 x 3/5 x 2/5 = 8 bananas 
Additional question:
What is the fraction of the other fruits?
(a) locate others on diagram 
(b) Compute Required fraction:
     Multiply fractions along the branch to others (the green arrows)

            others -> 3/5x 1/3 = 1/5

NOTE for Fraction Branch Diagram: 

The SUM (adding the fractions) of the branches at the same level is 1.

    ~~~~ END ~~~~ :)