Monday 1 October 2018

N4 Numbers : Addition and Subtraction

~ bringing two or more numbers (parts) together to make a new total (whole).
          1 apple ADD TO 2 apples is equal to 3 apples    
                          1           +                2               =        3

                PART       +            PART           = WHOLE
                        2 + 1 is the same as 1 + 2 equals 3

Doing Addition Word Problems
Step1:        [Know the story, and underlineWho and what in the game?

Step2:        [Plan the solution and double underlineWhat is needed? altogether 

Step3:        [DoHow to win?

Judy has 3 books. Annie has 5 books. How many books do the girls have altogether?
Step1Know the story and Underline
              Judy part: 3
            Annie Part: 5
Step2Plan needed: how many books altogether [double underline]
Altogether -> total, the whole -> ADD
-> Add the parts to find the whole
            3 + 5 = 8
The girls have 8 books altogether.

There are 4 pears and 2 oranges in a basket. Kenny puts 5 apples into the basket. How many fruits are there in the basket altogether?
Step1: [Know the story and underline] Who and what? 
        Pears and oranges are fruits, In the basket
               pear : 4
            orange: 2
       Apple is also fruit. Put 5 apples in basket

Step2: [Plan]. What is Required: fruits altogether (double underline)
       Altogether -> total, the whole -> ADD

Step3: [Do]
      -> Add the parts to find the whole
            4 + 2 + 5 = 11
There are 11 fruits in the basket.

~ an operation to remove objects from a collection.

~ take away(something) from something else to decrease the number or amount

            To find one part, we subtract the other part from the whole
                        3 - 1 is the same as 2. 3 minus 1 equals 2

Jana has 12 cookies. She ate 5 cookies . How many cookies does Jana have?
Step1: [Know the story and underline] Who and what? 
            Jana : has 12 
                        ate    5
Step2: [Plan]. What is Required: left (double underline)
        left ->  subtract
Step3: [Do]
        -> 12 - 5
            12 – 5 = 7
There are 7 cookies left.

Example (add / subtract)
There were 15 passengers in the MRT cabin at first. At the next stop, 7 passengers entered the cabin and 9 passengers left. How many passengers are in the MRT cabin now?

Step1: [Know the story and underline] Who and what? 
            passenger:   15  
                                     7 enter -> (more passengers)
                                      9 left -> (less passengers)
Step2: [Plan]. What is Required: in cabin now (double underline)
            enter -> add
            left ->  subtract
Step3: [Do]
             15 + 7 = 22
              22 – 9 = 13
There are 13 passengers in cabin.

Example (add/subtract)
Annie, Jen and Linda each has 8 balloons. Jen and Linda’s balloon burst and Jen has 4 balloons less than Linda. Annie has 2 balloons more than Linda. How many balloons do Jen and Linda have?
Step1: [Know the story and underline] Who and what? 
   Annie   : 8 
    Jen     : 8 -
    Linda  : 8 - 
   Jen, Linda burst -> lesser. Annie has the most.
     Annie 2 balloons more than Linda  
Step2: [Plan]. What is Required: Jen and Linda ballons (double underline)
     Annie 2 balloons more than Linda , Annie has 8 balloons
             ->  Annie – Linda 
            Jen has 4 balloons less than Linda 
            -> Linda - Jen
Step3: [Do]
             Linda : 8 – 2 = 6
            Jen : 6 – 4 = 2
    ~~~~ END ~~~~ :)

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