Thursday 1 November 2018

TN1-2 Numbers Level 1+2 Mathematics Topical Assessment Questions

Section 1
Time : 30 mins
Compare and Order
1.1      Arrange the numbers in order beginning with the smallest.
                        20, 5, 18, 31, 15

1.2      Arrange the numbers in order beginning with the smallest.
                        88, 78, 58, 38, 87

1.3      Arrange the numbers in order beginning with the greatest.
                        14, 22, 9, 20, 10
1.4      Arrange the numbers in order beginning with the greatest.
                        26, 91, 34, 53, 18   

1.5      Annie, Jen and Linda each has 8 balloons. Jen and Linda’s balloon burst and Jen has 4 balloons less than Linda. Annie has 2 balloons more than Linda. How many balloons do Jen and Linda have?

1.6      Complete the followings:
                        22 - ? = 5

1.7      Complete the followings:
                        18 + ? = 35
Number Patterns
1.8      List the three pairs of numbers below that make 9.
                        1, 3, 7, 8, 2, 5, 6
1.9      5 + 2  =       + 4  =      + 6 =              

1.10    8 +        = 4 + 7

1.11    Fill in the missing numbers.
                        9 - 3  =        -1  =       -2  =                

Word Problems (+ -)
1.12   Aileen bought some eggs. She used 9 eggs for cooking and had 4 eggs left. How many eggs did Aileen buy?

1.13    Jana ate 7 cookies. She had 4 cookies left. How many sweets did Jana have at first?

1.14    There are 4 pears and 2 oranges in a basket. Kenny puts 5 apples into the basket. How many fruits are there in the basket altogether?

1.15    There were 15 passengers in the MRT cabin at first. At the next stop, 7 passengers entered the cabin and 9 passengers left. How many passengers are in the MRT cabin now?

1.16    Solve 4 x 8

1.17    Solve 9 x 3

1.18    Each bench sits 4 children. There are 7 benches. How many children can sit on all the benches?

1.19    Solve 24 ÷ 4

1.20    Solve 27 ÷ 3

1.21    There are 18 pieces of cookies in the jar for 6 children. How many pieces of cookies can each child have?

1.22    The number of John's t-shirt is greater than 5 but smaller than 8. It is an even number. What number is on John's shirt?

Section 2 – Level 2
Time: 20 minutes
Number Patterns
2.1      What is the missing number?
            61, 63,    ,67, 69

2.2      Circle the odd numbers
            24, 33, 67, 22, 90, 15
Add / Subtract
2.3      Add 434 and 96

2.4      Subtract 84 from 162

2.5      David sold 336 books. He had 175 books left. How many book did he have at first?

2.6      Sally bought 356 red marbles and 187 blue marbles. How many marbles did he buy altogether?

2.7      There are 438 big bags and small bags. 159 are small bags. How many big bags are there?

2.8      Bob has 125 stamps. James has 68 more than Bob. How many stamps does James has?

2.9      John has $500 trading cards. He gave $174 to his brother. How much money does he have left?

2.10    What number is 10 more than 357?

2.11    What number is 20 less than 357?

2.12    What number is 100 more than 438?

2.13    What number is 112 less than 438?

2.14    In 2596, which digit is in the hundreds place?

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