Sunday 4 November 2018

N3-L3 Whole Number Practice : Addition and Subtraction

WHOLE NUMBERS – L3 (N3)      (~60mins)      Date/Time:                           Tutor:             
 (Part 1) Revise(15-20mins)                                              Start Time:                 
2. Word Problems

(Part2) Practice (40-55mins)         Start Time:                 

1.  Complete the followings:                                  Working

            (a) 742 -  ðŸ—† = 395
            (b) 3218 + ðŸ—† = 8735

2.   Add 3639 and 2096

3.   Subtract 384 from 1162

4.   Find the difference between:

            (a) 5000 and 2372
            (b) 6196 and 897

5.   Find the sum of:

            (a) 5496 and 2372

            (b) 7000 and 897

                                                                                                Total Mark:                /8
Word Problems       (25 mins)                               

1.  David collected some plastic bottles. He gave away 69 of them for recycling and had 52 of them left. How many bottles did David collect? (28/p1/18f)

2. 98 people attended a concert. There were 16 more adults than children. Find the number of children at the concert. (1/p2/f)

3.  Aileen bought some eggs. She used 9 eggs for cooking and had 15 eggs left. How many eggs did Aileen buy?

4. Sara has 50 stickers. She gave 29 to her brother.  How many stickers does Sara left with? 

5. Aly bought 356 red marbles and 187 blue marbles. How many marbles did she buy altogether?

6. There were 40 passengers in the MRT cabin at first. At the next stop, 17 passengers entered the cabin and 12 passengers left. How many passengers are in the MRT cabin now?

7.  The smaller of two numbers is 1250. The greater number is 340 more than the smaller number. What is the sum of the two numbers?

8.  There were 4302 people at a concert. 2949 of them were adults. How many more adults than children were there?

End Time:                  
                                                                                                            Mark:              /8
                                                                                    Total Mark:                  /15          
Tutor Remark:                                                                                                                      

N3 Answer Key
1a.      347
1b.      5517
2          5735
3.         5735
4a.      3628
4b.      5299
5a.      7838
5b.      7897

II PSLE/Word Problems
1.         121
2.         41
3.         24
4.         21
5.         543
6.         45
7.         2840
8.         1596

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