Sunday 4 November 2018

S1-L24 Statistics Practice : Bar/Line Graph (Data Representation)

(Part 1) TEACHING(15-20mins)                    

(Part2) PRACTICE (30-45mins)
Start Time:                          
For question 1 -2.
1.  The line graph below shows the number of fruits sold by a fruiterer over 5 days. Study the graph and answer the question below. (18/p1f)
Which period shows the greatest increase in the sales of the fruits?
(1) Monday to Tuesday
(2) Tuesday to Wednesday
(3) Wednesday to Thursday
(4) Thursday to Friday                                                  (                       )

2.   How many fruits are sold on Tuesday?

For questions 3 and 4.
The graph shows the number of people in a theatre during a musical performance. (18/24/p1)
3. How many more women than men were there during the performance? 
4.  Find the total number of people who attended the performance.

For questions 5 and 9.
Some students were asked to name their favourite sporting events.  The bar graph below shows the results.
5.  How many students take asked?
6.  What was the least popular sporting event?
7.  How many students liked soccer?
8.  How many more students preferred Soccer to Swimming?
9.  What fraction of the students like Running?

For questions 10 and 16.
Lionel is a mobile phone salesman. The bar graph shows the number of mobile phones he has sold in the past 5 months.
10.  He sold _________ mobile phones in January.
11.  He did not sell any mobile phone in _________.
12.  Lionel sold the greatest number of mobile phones in ______. How many phones did he sell?
13.  How many phones did he sell in January?
14.  He sole the least number of mobile phones in ___ . 
15.  How many mobile phones did he sell in that month(14)?
16.  He sold 3 times as many mobile phones in ______ as in March.

For Question 17-19.
*  The bar graph shows the number of each type of files sold by a shop.
Below shows the prices of the files.
                        Type of file               Price per file
                           Box                            $3.00
                           Clear                          $1.40
                           Ring                           $2.20
                           Clip                            $4.20
17.  What fraction of the files sold were clip files?
Give your answer in the simplest form.
18.  From the sale of which type of file did the shop collect the most money? What was the amount of money?
19.  Which file is the most expensive?

Extra Practice
1.  The line graph shows the number of visitors at an event from 5p.m to 9 p.m on a particular day.
(a)  How many visitors were there at 7 p.m. ?
(b) what was the increase in the number of visitors from 6p.m to 7 p.m. ?
(c)  How many visitors were there at 9p.m. ?
(d)  What was the decrease in the number of visitors from 7p.m. to 8 p.m. ?
(e) What is the total number of visitors?

2.*  At first, 1/10 of a tank was filled with water. A tap was turned on for 30 min for more water to flow into the tank. It was then turned off. The line graph shows the volume of water in the tank over the 30 min.
(a)  How many litres of water flowed into the tank in one minute?
(b)  At the end of 30 min, what fraction of the tank was filled with water?
(c)  The tap was turned on again to fill up the tank at the same rate as before. How many more minutes did it take for the tank to be filled completely?

Answer Keys
1.            3
2.            360
3.            50
4.            150
5.            102
6.            running
7.            36
8.            26
9.            5/51
10.         24
11.         April
12.         March
13.         24
14.         April
15.         168
16.         January
17.         17.19
18.         Clear file
19.         Clip file

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