Wednesday 7 November 2018

TG1: Teaching Guide - Tutor's Roles during the Practice

Tutor Guide for Student’s Practice:
Before the Practice

Go through the content and practice questions before class.

During the tuition session
(1)  Select the Revision Topic 
B.  Select the assigned practice. Example: N1-L1: Number Notation. Click on the link or use the book.
(2)  Revision 
A. Do topic revision 
B. Do Practice Revision
(a) Prepare the student: 
   (I) check his/her pencil case for necessary Stationery (pencil, ruler, erase, etc.) or calculator. 
   (II) Remind the estimated timing:       
Multiple choice question: ~ 1 minute
Short question: ~ 2 minutes
Problem sum: ~ 3 minutes
    (III) Remind the method:       
       a.  Read the question carefully and Circle/Underline key information 
       b.  Do by Drawing models and show working(writing the steps clearly)
       c.  Solve/Complete the question and place the answer on the answer_line.
(b) Write the Start Time and student to start doing the practice.
(c) During the Practice
Observe the student’s familiarity with and pace in doing the question. 

C. After the Practice

Mark the questions. Each question is 1 mark. Write the total mark on both the practice page and the student revision timeline page.
D. Coaching the student (after marking the question)
Correct Answer:
When the student does the question by following the steps: Praise the student and point out his/her good practice (to prevent careless mistake) and fluency (he/she has been practicing similar questions)

Wrong/No Answer (Careless or Don’t Know):
The student can either be making careless mistake(C) or does not know(DK) to do it.
                           Careless or Don’t Know?
Let’s determine:
1. Ask the student if there is any other keyword to circle/underline.
2. Highlight that the word ‘AVERAGE’ is also a keyword.
3. Ask student for Average definition/formula
    Don’t Know: If student cannot answer the meaning of Average
    Careless: If student can answer.
4. Ask student should the question be label as ‘Careless’ or ‘Don’t Know’ (to make sure that the student understands the ‘Careless’ / Don’t Know’ terms)

If Careless:
1.  Reiterate the practice of CIRCLE/DRAW/SOLVE (CDS)
2.  If the student loses focus/lack of attention, request him/her to draw STARTING/ENDING line.
and to complete question before taking a break à To start and end a question before any other distraction.

3.  RE-DO the question or another similar question until the student has the correct answer.

If Don’t Know:
1. The Student should still CIRCLE the keywords and DRAW and show the working of the portion that he/she understand.
     -> Praise the student as he/she has circled and did the necessary portion
2. REVISE the topic's portion again
3. Student RE-DO the same question again after the revision. The tutor can set additional 1-2 similar questions for the student to do as well.

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