Sunday 4 November 2018

R1 - Ratio Practice

(Part 1) TEACHING(15-20mins)                                           

(Part2) PRACTICE (35-60mins)
1. 18 : 24 =        : 4

2. 5 : 3 : 8 = 35 :        : 56

3.  1  :  1 =  3  : ____
     4     6

4. 0.6 :  5 = 24  : _____
5.  ¾ : 1 ½ =  _____ : ______

6.  200g : 1kg = _______ : _______

7.  15 seconds :  30 mins :  1 hour  =  _______  :  ______  :  ______

8.  A: B = 3 :2  , A : C = 3 : 8
            B  :  C =  ______ :  ______

9.  A  :   B =  7  :  2 ,   B  :  C = 5  :  1
           A  :  B  :  C  =  ______  : _______  : _______

10.  A  :  B  =  6  :  7,  B  :  C  = 4  :  5
           A  :  B  :  C  =  ______  : _______  : _______

(II) Word Problems (25- 45 mins)                     
11. Ray and Carla shared a packet of sweets in the ratio of 2 : 7. IF there were 45 sweets in the packet, how many sweets did Carly receive?

12. A piece of rod was cut into 2 pieces in the ratio of 3 : 5. If the length of the shorter piece was 18 cm, find the length of the original piece of rod.

13. 2/5 of Ann’s saving is as much as ¼ of Joel’s saving. Find the ratio of Ann’s saving to Joel’s saving.

14.  Chan and David shared some marbles. Chan had 2/7 of the number of marbles David had. What was the ratio of the total number of marbles the boys had to the number of stickers Chan had to the number of marbles David had? (18/9/p1/s)
(1) 9:2:7 
(2) 9:7:2 
(3) 7:2:5 
(4) 7:5:2 

15.  Mat and Minah had some cookies in the ratio 5 : 2. Mat ate 38 cookies and Minah made another 43 cookies. Then Mat and Minah had the same number of cookies. How many cookies did Minah have at first? (27/p1/s)

For question 16 and 17.
The ratio of Anson's savings to Billy’s savings became 3:11 after Anson gave 1/10 of his savings to Billy. Both later spent the same amount of money at a book fair. In the end, the ratio of Anson’s savings to Billy’s savings became 1:9 and Billy had $264 more than Anson. (11/p2/s)

16. What was the ratio of Anson's savings to Billy’s savings at first?

17. How much savings did Anson had at first?

Ratio Word Problems Method

1.  Kenny’s mass is 7/3 of Lionel’s mass. The total mass of the boy is 85 kg.
(a) Find the ratio of Kenny’s mass to Lionel mass.
(b) What fraction of Kenny’s mass is Lionel’s mass?
(c) what fraction of the total mass of the boys is Kenny mass?
(d) Find Kenny’s mass.

2.*  15 mangoes cost $10. Three brothers shared the cost of 60 mangoes in the ratio 1 : 2 : 2. What was the cost for the smallest share?

3.*  Bobby has a number of 10c, 20c and 50c coins in the ratio 5 : 2 : 1. The total value of all the coins is $166. What is the total value of the 20c coin?

4.*  There are three types of cookies in a box. The ratio of the number walnut cookies to chocolate cookies is 4  :  5. The ratio of the number of raisin cookies to the total number of walnut and chocolate is 5 : 6.
What fraction of the cookies in the box are chocolate cookies?

5.*  Zoe drew three circles to form a figure. The areas of the circles were in the ratio 1 : 4: 16. She then shaded some parts of the figure as shown. What fraction of the figure was 

6*. In the figure below, PQRS is a rectangle and QRT is a right-angled triangle with sides measuring 30 cm, 40 cm and 50 cm. The perimeter of the shaded part is 174 cm.

What is the ratio of the area of the triangle to the area of the shaded part? Give your answer in the simplest form.

Practice Content Page 

Ratio Answer Keys
1.         3
2.         21
3.         2
4.         25
5.         1:2
6.         1:5
7.         1:120:240
8.         1:4
9.         35:10:2
10.      24:28:35
11.      10
12.      48cm
13.      8:5
15.      54

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