Sunday 4 November 2018

F3-L9 Fractions Practice : Multiplication

FRACTIONS – L3 (F3)       (45-60mins)     

(Part 1) Revise (20-25mins)                                             Start Time:                 
    (proper and (proper/improper – no calc)

(Part2) Practice (25-45mins)
(II) Multiplication (~15 mins)                     

         (1)   of 60                           (2)     2  of 35                
                2                                               5                             

Find the products.
         (3) 48 x  2                              (4)    8  x 5          
                      12                                     10   4             

5.        x    56                                                                                   

6.     7    x    45                                                                                  

7.         x   72                                                                                  

8.     21     x    20                    Try: 5/12 x 7/20                                                         
         5             7 

9.           x      7                                                                                 
         35           36

10.      3     x   64                                                                  
End Time:                   
(II) Word Problems/PSLE questions
11.         Kelvin had 48 marbles. He gave 1/6 of them to John, who already had 14 marbles. How many marbles had John in the end? (3/p1/18s)
(1) 6
(2) 8
(3) 20 
(4) 22                                                                                                             

12. Mrs. Lee bought a pizza for each for Peter and John. Peter ate 3/5 of the pizza. Tom ate 1/3 of what Peter ate. What fraction of the pizza did Tom eat?

13. Hazel made some cookies. She ate 1/5 of the cookies, gave 12 cookies to Tom and was left with 1/2 of the cookies. How many cookies did she have left?

14. Sara has 24m of ribbon. She cut it into equal pieces, each measuring 3/4m. How many pieces of 3/4m ribbon did she get?

15.  Jon is 1 3/5 m tall. Calvin is 9/10 m shorter than Jon. Find the total height of both boys?

16.      Ahmad had 7/8 kg of sugar. He packed them into smaller packets of 1/4 kg each. What is the mass of the remaining sugar? (11/p1/18s)
            (1) 1/8kg
            (2) 5/8kg 
            (3) 7/16kg
            (4) 7/32 kg

17.      Find the value of 1/6 ÷ 4/9. (16/p1/18s)
            Give your answer in the simplest form.

18* Kelly spent 1/3 of her money on 5 pens and 12 stickers. The cost of each pen is 3 times the cost of each sticker. She bought some more pen with ¾ of her remaining money. How many pens did Kelly buy altogether?

19* Gina bought some white rice and some brown rice. She cooked an equal amount of white and brown rice. She had ¾ of the white rice and 3/8 of the brown rice left. What fraction of the rice which Gina bought was cooked?

Answer Keys
1.  30
2.  17
3.  8
4.  1
5.  35
6.  35
7.  12
8.  12  , Try : 1/12
9.   1/45    
10.  200  
11.  4
12.  1/5
13.  20 cookies
14.  32
15.  2 3/10 m
16.  1
17.  3/8
18.  18 pens
19.  7/16

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