Sunday 4 November 2018

M2-L18 Measurement Practice : Time

(Part 1) TEACHING(10-15mins)                                       Start Time:                

(Part2) Core PRACTICE (30-40mins)
Start Time:                    

(I) Time (20-30 mins)                             
Write hours and minutes in minutes
1.   1 h 28 min =
2.   2 h 50 min =

Write minutes in hours and minutes
3.    70 mins =      h         mins
4.   165 mins =      h         mins

5. How many hours are there from 9:00 a.m. to noon?

6. How many minutes are there from 11:01 p.m. to midnight?

7. What time is 3 hours after 10:30 p.m.?

8. What time is 25 minutes before 6:44 a.m.?

(II) PSLE/Word Problems (20-45 mins)  
9. Ann took 25 minutes to walk to the library from her house. She left home at the time shown below. At what time did she arrive at the library? (18/12/p1)

(1) 11 30
(2) 11 55
(3) 12 20
(4) 13 20                                                                       

10. Leo took 2 h 30 min to complete his household chores. He stopped doing his chores at 1.05 pm. At what time did he start doing his chores? (18/20/p1)
(1) 10.35 am 
(2) 11.35 am 
(3) 1.25 pm 

(4) 3.35 pm

11. Mike went to the mall at 11.50 a.m. He left the mall at 2.10 p.m. How long was he at the mall? Give your answer in hours and minutes. (18/10/p2)

12.  George watched a movie for 1h 50 min. The movie started at 9:30p.m. What time did the movie end?

13. Mr. Tan spent 2 h 20 min ironing his clothes. He finished ironing at 1:30 p.m. What time did Mr. Lee start ironing?

14. A train left Singapore at 20 45 and arrived in Ipoh at 0515 the next day. How long did the journey take?

15.  Sharon started reading her bedtime story book at 11.50 p.m.
She took 35 minutes to read it. At what time did she finish reading? (18/12/p1)
(1) 11.15 a.m.
(2) 11.15 p.m.
(3) 12.25 a m.
(4) 12.25 p.m.

16. Angie went to bed at 22 00 and woke up the next day at 06 10. How long did Angie sleep? Give your answer in hours and minutes. (18/20/p1)
Extra Practice

2*. Sally answered 30 questions in a quiz. She took 3 min for each of the first 10 questions and twice as long for each of the remaining questions. The quiz started at 9:45 a.m. At what time did she complete the quiz?

3*.  One machine took 70 minutes while another took 100 minutes to print the same number of copies of a magazine. The faster machine printed 6 more copies of the magazine per minute than the slower one.
(a) The slower machine completed the job at 1:00pm. At what time was the printing started?
(b) What was the total number of copies printed by the two machines?

3*. Patrick read 3 books in 2 hours. He took the same amount of time to read the first 2 books. She took 15 minutes longer to read the third book than the first. How many minutes did he take to read the third book?

4.  192 mins =      h         mins

Measurement (Time)
1.         88 min
2.         170 min
3.         1 h 10 min
4.         2 h 45 min
5.         3 h
6.         59 min
7.         1:30 am
8.         6:19 am
9.         3
10.      1
11.      2 h and 20 min
12.      12:20 am
13.      11:40am
14.      10 h
15.      3
16.      8 h 10 min
Tutor Remark:                                                                                                                   

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