Sunday 4 November 2018

D2-L14 Decimal Numbers Practice : Addition and Subtraction

DECIMAL NUMBERS – D2          
(Part 1) Revise (~10mins)                                                Start Time:                 

(Part2) Core PRACTICE (~40mins)
Tutor: Please observe and ensure that the student follows the method/step. 
                                                            Start Time:                    
1.  0.05 + 2.07
2.  0.96 + 0.003
3.  3.18 + 0.19
4.  9.36 + 6.82

5.     2 - 0.07
6.     8.46 – 0.53 
7.   15.02 – 8.89
8.   27.52 – 6.49

9.  What number is 0.2 more than 0.6?

10.  What number is 0.1 less than 1.9?

11.   Find the sum of 265.01 and 52.14

12.   Find the difference between 18 and 9.01

13. A gymnast received scores of 8.98 and 9.2 for two events. What was the gymnast’s total score?

14. John ran a distance of 2.4 km and Peter ran a distance of 1.95 km. How many kilometre more did John run?

For questions 15-16.
Jo spent $45.85 on a bag. She spent $12.15 less on a pair of shoe. 
            (15) How much did the pair of shoe cost?
            (16) How much did she spend in all?

For questions 17-18.
Last year, Siti saving was $105.80. This year, her saving increased to 250.40. 
            (17) What was the increase in her saving?
            (18) What is her total saving?

19*.  Find the value of 10.3 – 0.99

20*.  Find the value of 4.8 + 0.29

21. The sum of two numbers is 325.8. The first number has three decimal places. The second number is 199 times the first number. Find the first number and round off your answer to one decimal place. (23/p1/18s)
Answer Keys
1.   2.12
2.   0.963
3.   3.37
4.   16.18
5.   1.93
6.   7.93
7.   6.13
8.   21.03
9.   0.8
10.   1.8
11.   317.15
12.   8.99
13.   18.18
14.   0.45 km
15.   $33.70
16.   $79.55
17.   $144.60
18.   $356.20
19.   9.31
20.   5.09

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