Sunday 22 March 2020

Trigonometric Graphs

Trigonometric Graphs

Remember the trigonometric ratios and quadrants?

The trigonometric angles can also be represented in a graphic form.

A sample Trigonometric Graph ( y = sin x)

1. The graph has a maximum and minimum point.

2. One complete cycle takes 360o.

Y = Sin X

1.  The graph has a complete cycle of 360o.

2. The graph is above 0 in the first and second quadrants(0o - 180o)

       => SinX is positive, the value is greater than 0.

3. The graph is below 0 in the third and fourth quadrants (180o - 360o)

       => SinX is negative, the value is less than 0.

4. The maximum value of SinX is 1.

5.  The minimum value of SinX is -1.

y = Cos X

1.  The graph has a complete cycle of 360o.

2. The graph is above 0 in the first and 4th quadrants(0o - 90o, 270o - 360o)

       => SinX is positive, the value is greater than 0.

3. The graph is below 0 in the second and third quadrants (180o - 270o)

       => SinX is negative, the value is less than 0.

4. The maximum value of CosX is 1.

5.  The minimum value of CosX is -1.

Y =  Tan X

1.  The graph has a complete cycle of 360o

2. The graph is above 0 in the first and third quadrants(0o - 90o, 270o - 360o)

       => TanX is positive, the value is greater than 0.

3. The graph is below 0 in the second and fourth quadrants (180o - 270o)

       => TnX is negative, the value is less than 0

4. There is no maximum or minimum value as both go towards to infinity

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