Monday 2 March 2020

Probability of Single Event

What is Probability?

  • the likelihood that an event will happen from all the possible outcome.


What is an event?

An “event” can be one or more outcomes. 

A dice has 6 faces - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. 

What a dice is tossed, one of six events can happen:- the number is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6


            Probability = Positive events / Total number of possible outcomes


When a dice is tossed, what is the probability of having the number 2?

    Dice Number                1        2        3        4        5        6

           Number(Event)              1        1        1        1         1       1

            Probability                   1/6    1/6     1/6    1/6     1/6      1/6 


Total number of events = 6           [Step 1 -  the total possible outcome]

Number 2 happens = 1                 [Step 2 -  the count of positive event ]

Probability of number is 2 = 1/6    [Step 3 - Compute the probability]

Also, probability is

            ~ expressed as a value between 0 and 1. 

            ~ for an event that will not happen at all (0%), the probability = 0

            ~ for an event that definitely will happen  (100%), the probability  = 1

            ~ Sum of Probability of all possible events = 1


There are 2 red balls and 1 blue ball in a basket. What is the probability of picking up a red ball from the basket?

   Colour                R        R        B

           Event                  1        1        1   (total = 3)

           Probability        1/3     1/3     1/3

  Event of Red = 2, Probability = 1/3+ 1/3 = 2/3 or 2/3


Total events = 3                          [Step 1 - total : picking a red ball, red ball, blue ball]

Picking a red ball = 2           [Step 2 -  the count of positive event = 2]

Probability = 2/3                         [Step 3 - Compute the probability]

Probability with a Frequency Distribution Table


The following is the data of people going to Johore Bahru

  Transport Frequency

             Walk 40

             Train                            24

             Bus                              56

What is the probability of a person walking to Johore Bahru?

   Number of people walking = 40            [Step 1: Happening/positive events]

   Total number of people = 40 + 24 + 56 [Step 2 : Total outcome]

                                         = 120

   Probability = 40/120 = 1/3                      [Step 3 : Positive event / Total outcome]


Probability with Different type of events

Mutually Exclusive

~ cannot happen at the same time

Using (Venn) diagram to represent:


Tossing a coin, Head and Tail are mutually exclusive because the outcome of having a head and tail cannot happen at the same time.


There are 5 blue balls , 3 red balls and 2 yellow balls. What is the probability that either a blue ball of yellow ball is picked?

    [either… or… => both events to be added]

Picking a blue ball or a yellow ball = 5 + 2     [Step 1 : Positive happening]

Total outcome = 5 + 3 + 2 = 10                      [Step 2 : Total outcome]

      Probability = 7/10                                     [Step 3 : Calculate ]

            ==> Probability for mutually exclusive event 

                           P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)

Alternative solution

     Prob of picking blue ball = 5/10

     Prob of yellow ball = 2/10

     Probability = 2/10 + 5/10 = 7/10

Example (with percent)

[At times, percent is used to represent probability. 17% => 17/100 probability]

In a lucky draw, 10% of the prizes are $5 voucher, 15% are $2 voucher and the rest are $1 voucher.

  1. What is the probability of getting either a $5 voucher or a $2 voucher?

       Probability = 10/100 + 15/100

                         = 25/100 

                         = 1/4

(2) What is the probability of getting $1 voucher?

      $1 voucher (Not getting $5 or $2) = 100% - 10% - 15% 

                                                            =  75%

      Probability = 75/100 = 3/4

Not Mutually Exclusive

~ can happen at the same time

Using (Venn) diagram to represent:


Out of 32 students, 20 students play basketball and 12 students play tennis. There are 4 students who play both tennis and basketball. 

[4 students playing both basketball and tennis make the event not mutually exclusive]

Using (Venn) diagram to represent the event

             Probability of non-exclusive event:

             P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)

(1) What is the probability of a student playing basketball only?

         Playing basketball only = 20 - 4 = 16


         Probability of playing basketball only = 16/32 = 12

(2) What is the probability of a student playing either tennis or basketball?

       Prob of student playing either tennis or basketball = 20/32 + 12/32 - 4/32

= 28/32 

= 7/8

Independent event

Each event is not affected by other events.

Two dices were thrown. The outcome of each dice does not affect the other dice.

When both event A and B are independent, the probability of both occurring is 

  Probability of independent event : P (A and B) = P(A) x P(B)


A classroom has two fans. The probability that a fan is not working is 0.05.

(2) What is the probability of both fans are working?

    <Step 1: Type of events? Independent because working of both fans are not related>

                 Probability of a fan not working = 0.5 

                 Probability of a fan working = 1 - 0.5 = 0.95 [probability of positive / happening]

                 Probability of both fans working = 0.95 x 0.95

                                                                    = 0.9025

(2) What is the probability that both fans are not working

<step 1 : type of event? Independent - P(A) x P(B) >

           Prob a fan not working = 0.5 [step 2 : prob of happening]

           Prob of both fans not working = 0.5 x 0.5  [Step 3 : Calculate]

      = 0.25

(3) What is the probability either one is not working?

      <Step 1 : Type of events : Independent >

      Probability of either one is not working [Step 2 : No of events and probability]

            = fan A working x fan B not working + fan A not working x Fan B working

            = 0.95 x 0.05 + 0.05 x 0.95

            = 0.095

Dependent event (conditional)

~ affected by the other event.


There are five blue balls and one red balls in a basket. If a red ball is taken out of the basket, then the second time a ball is to be drawn there is no chance to throw another red ball. 

=> the first event affects the outcome of the second event. 

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