Sunday 22 March 2020

S3N3 Obtuse Angle - SinX and CosX, Sine and Cosine Rule

Extending Sin X and Cos X to Obtuse Angle

     Sin A = Sin (180 - A)

     Cos A = -Cos (180 - A)

Sine Formula

Area of Triangle

Area of  ABC 

  = 1/2 ab Sin C 

  = 1/2 bc SinA 

  = 1/2 ac SinB

Area =  √ s(s -a) (s-b) (s - c) where 2s = a + b + c

Sine Rule

            a       =     b     =    c

          SinA        SinB      SinC                 


          SinA  =  SinB   =   SinC

             a            b             c

Cosine Rule

             a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bcCosA

             Cos A = b2 + c2 - a2 / 2bc

              Cos B = a2 + c2 - b2 / 2ac

              Cos C = a2 + b2 - c2 / 2ab


When reading a compass bearing, the directions are from either north of the south. 

From the North, 060o is N60oE

From the South, 225o is S45oW

Decimal values are to be included in all compass reading. 

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