The number line
Whole numbers, fractions and decimals can be represented on the number line.
The numbers are placed at their correct positions, equal distance apart.

Negative Numbers
We read -1 as negative one.
A negative number is any number less than zero.
Example: -1, -2.5, -4/7
Any pair of numbers eg: 3 and -3 are same distance from the origin.
Using Number Line
What is the value of 3 - 5?

Ascending and Descending Orders
Ascending : Increasing in value; Moving higher/becoming bigger
[Tip to remember : A - side of A is going up, from small to big ]
Descending : Moving down in value/becoming smaller
[D => Down , from big to small]
Arrange the following in ascending order
5.3, 5.25, 5.205
Step1: Arrange by the decimal point
Step2: Ascending => small to big.
Compare the number values from left to right
5.205 has the smallest hundredth value,
5.25 has the smaller tenth value
Step3: Arrange the numbers
5.205, 5.25, 5.3
Comparing and Ordering Numbers
> greater than
< less than
≥ greater than or equal to
≤ less than or equal to
= equal
≠ not equal to
Tip to remember
4 > 3
greater = "open mouth" > “point” = less than
3 < 4
less than = “point” < greater = "open mouth"
Using number line and Inequalities
Using the dot : o excluding the number => < or > symbol
• including the number => ≤ or ≥ symbol
Using the symbol : > => right arrow ------>
< => left arrow <-------
Example ( > symbol)
Draw x > 2 on the number line.
Step1 : "stand" at 2, draw o (> symbol)
[To check if arrow direction is correct, use a bigger number (eg 3), and move the arrow in that direction]
Example ( < symbol )
Draw x < 1 on the number line
Steps : "stand" at 1, draw o (< symbol); then left arrow (<)
Example (≥ symbol )
Draw x ≥ 2 on the number line.
Example ( ≤ )
Draw x ≤1 on the number line.
5. Use <, > or = to complete each of these statements. (1/14/2/4/T)
a. 1/3 ___ 0.3
b. 12 ½% ______ 1/8
c. 7/12 _______ 5/9
6. Complete the number line.
-6 ___ ___ 3. 6. ___ 12 15 ____