Saturday 1 February 2020

S1T1 Additional and Subtraction, Simplify Linear Algebraic Expressions

Addition and Subtraction of Linear Algebraic Expressions

An algebraic expression can be simplified by:

  "grouping" of the same variables and number operations.


Simplify 2a + 4 + 2a + 1

             = 2a + 4a + 4 + 1           (Step 1 : "Group" variables and numbers)

     = 6a + 5                            (Step 2 : Do the + - )


Do the followings:

a.   4a + 2b + 5a + b

         = 4a + 5a + 2b + b (Step 1 : Group same variables together) 

         = 9a + 3b (Step 2 : Do the + - )

b.    8p - 4q - 2p +5q                  (Step 1 : Group same variables together)

         = 8p + 2p - 4q + 5q              (Step 2 : Do the + - )

         = 10p + q

Simplify Linear Algebraic Expressions


Simplify 5y – 2(y – 2)

            = 5y – 2y - 2 x -2 (Step1 : Open Bracket)

            = 3y – 4             Step2: Do x / + -)


Simplify    7y – 2(3y – 5) 

              = 7y – 6y + 10 

              = y + 10


Simplify -2(3p - 5) + 4p

             = -2 x 3p -2 x -5 + 4p       (Step1 : Open Bracket)

             = -6p + 10 + 4p                 (Step2: Do x / + -)

             = 10 - 2p

Simplify algebraic expression with Fractions

- Simplify fractional linear expression with common denominator into a single fraction


    Simplify y(y + 2)

                  2         3

Step 1 : Multiply each for same denominator (L.C.M)

  L.C.M : 3 , 2 = 6 

             =     y x3 +   (y + 2)

                    2 x3         3x2

Step2: Combine the fractions into a single fraction

             =   3y  +  (2y + 2)

                   6           6

            =   3y  +  2y + 2


            =         5y + 2



Simplify             5y - 3(y + 1)

                           3         2


       =  2x5y – 3x3(y + 1)        (Step 1 : Multiply each for same denominator (L.C.M))

           2x 3     3x    2                                   

       =  10y9(y + 1)              (Step2 : Combine the fractions into a single fraction)

             6          6

       = 10y – (9y + 1)


        = 10y – 9y – 9                 (Step 3 : Simplify : Do Order of Operations)


        = y – 9



Simplify 4y + 3(y-1)

              3        2

            =2 x 4y + 3x3(y-1)       (Step 1 : Multiply each for same denominator (L.C.M))

                 6           6

            = 8y +9y – 9                (Step2 : Combine the fractions into a single fraction)

                     6                         (Step 3 : Simplify : Do Order of Operations)

            = 17y – 9



Simplify 2q - 3(q - 5)

              3        2

            = 2 x q - 3 x 3(q - 5)    (Step1 : Multiply each to get the same denominator)

               2 x 3       3 x 2

            = 2q -9(q - 5) (Step2 : Simplify and Do Order of Operations)

                6        6

            = 2q - 9q + 45                   


            = -7q +45



1. Do the followings:   

a.   5a + 2 + 6a - 1

b.   9a - 6b + a - 2b

c.   4a + 2a - 4a

d.   1 + a - 1 + b

2.  Simplify the followings:

a.  3y + (2 - y)

b.   5(a + b) - 2a

c.   4p - (p - 1)

d.   2(p + q + 1) - 1/2

e.   3/4 (a + b) - 1/3(a + 2b)

3.  Simplify 2x  - 3(x - 2) [12/I/17/2/A]

                   3           5

4.  Simplify 3x  - 2x + 1 [14/II/17/8/A]

                    2         3