Thursday 30 May 2019

N10 Numbers : Simple Word Problems

Word Problems can be confusing for learners because they need to
            (1) understand  the words,
            (2) translate words into the required mathematics relationship
            (3) form the equation to solve the problem

The usual format of the Word Problems:
(a) The price of a book is $5. The price of a pen is $3 less than the book. How much does the book cost?
(b) Albert has 147 marbles. Tom has 98 marbles. How many more marbles does Albert have than Tom?

Words such as 'more than' and 'less than' are commonly used in word problems.

Solving Simple Word Problems

Method: Who -> What -> How     [Storytelling (More Less)]

Step 1:  Who and their Number(Underline)
Step 2:  What is the story? (Draw andlink)
Step 3: How to Solve  (Answer/Conclusion)

A lemon weighs 250g. An apple weighs 120g more than lemon. What is the weight of the apple?
Step 1:  Who and their Number(Underline)

Understand the terms/words -> Read each sentence and Underline Keywords => Name the Story WHO and Numbers-> 

Step 2:  What is the story? (Draw and link) 
-> (Translate words into mathematics relationship)
Step 3: How to Solve  (Answer/Conclusion)
            -> Complete Model and Solve
            -> (form the equation to solve the problem)

                           Apple weighs 250g + 120g = 370g.

Albert has 560 marbles. Tom has 259 marbles. How many more marbles does Albert have than Tom?

Step 1:  Who and their Number(Underline)
            -> 'spotting' and underline keywords (Who and numbers)
            Who           Number
              Albert                         560
              Tom                            259

Step 2:  What is the story? (Draw and link)
~ how many more marbles does Albert has;
~ number of marbles that Tom needs to equal number as Albert.
--> Draw Diagram

Step 3: How to Solve  (Answer/Conclusion)
                                                45 5610
                                             -   2  5  9
                                                 2  0  1
Albert has 201 more marbles than Tom.
         ~~~~ END ~~~~ :)

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